Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. Please sign and return Math quiz.
2. Please sign and return Sciences Humaines quiz.
3. The multiplication booklet due for tomorrow (multiples of 9's, to 12's). Also study the multiplication table at home. 95 % of the students are struggling with the table.  Please see the math section for some online sites. 
4. Math pretest on multiplication on Friday and Multiplication quiz on Monday.
5. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
6. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

7. Please sign and return interim report.
8. Study spelling words. The test is tomorrow!

9. Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating). They are due by Friday, Nov. 7.

10. Elizabeth, Jacob, Jamie, Lexi, Julia, Thomas, Adia, Maggie and Janna need to bring in their Earthquake kits.
Thank you for the students who brought in the treats to share. We all appreciated them.
Please have a safe trick or treating tonight.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. Finish Hamburger paragraph. Hand in tomorrow.
2. Finish Journal entry.
3. Please sign and return Math quiz.
4. Please sign and return Sciences Humaines quiz.
5. Next 3 pages of multiplication booklet due for tomorrow (multiples of 6's, 7's and 8's). Also study the multiplication table at home. 95 % of the students are struggling with the table.  Please see the math section for some online sites. 
6. Math pretest on multiplication on Friday and Multiplication quiz on Monday.
7. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
8. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

9. Please sign and return interim report.
10. Study spelling words.

11. Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating). They are due by Friday, Nov. 7.

12. Elizabeth, Jacob, Jamie, Lexi, Julia, Thomas, Adia, Maggie and Janna need to bring in their Earthquake kits.

Happy Halloween!! :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. New dictee words given today. Finish the 20 sentences for tomorrow. See list of words below.
2. Please sign and return Math quiz.
3. Next 2 pages of multiplication booklet due for tomorrow (multiples of 4's and 5's). Also study the multiplication table at home. 95 % of the students are struggling with the table.  Please see the math section for some online sites. 
4. Math pretest on multiplication on Friday and Multiplication quiz on Monday.
5. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
6. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

7. Please sign and return interim report.
8. P. E. tomorrow.
9. Study spelling words.

10. Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating). They are due by Friday, Nov. 7.

11. Elizabeth, Jacob, Jamie, Lexi, Julia, Thomas, Adia, Maggie and Janna need to bring in their Earthquake kits.

Dictee #7
1.            une citrouille
2.          une sorcière
3.          un balai
4.          un fantôme
5.          une maison hantée
6.          une araignée
7.          des bonbons
8.          un chaudron
9.          un déguisement
10.       un chat noir
11.         la lune
12.       un squelette
13.       un masque
14.       un vampire
15.       une momie
16.       l’automne
17.       une chauve-souris
18.       un cimetière
19.       la Toussaint
20.      un diable

Monday, October 28, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. New spelling words given today. Please study words on Spelling City website!
2. Please sign and return Math quiz.
3. First 3 pages of multiplication booklet due for tomorrow (multiples of 2's and 3's) Also study the multiplication table at home. 95 % of the students are struggling with the table.  Please see the math section for some online sites. 
4. Math pretest on multiplication on Friday and Multiplication quiz on Monday.
4. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
5. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

6. Please sign and return interim report.

7. Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating). They are due by Friday, Nov. 7.

8. Elizabeth, Jacob, Jamie, Lexi, Julia, Thomas, Adia, Maggie and Janna need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. Study underlined words for test on Monday. Please see below for new dictee.
2. The math quiz was returned today. Please sign and return the test next week.
3. This is not homework, but study the multiplication table at home. 95 % of the students are struggling with the table.  Please see the math section for some online sites.
4. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
5. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

Interim Report sent home today. Please sign and return it next week.
Halloween letter sent home today.

-Lice check information form sent yesterday,
-Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating)

6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you. 
Bon weekend

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. Students who have not completed their journal from yesterday must finish for tomorrow.
2. Study underlined words for test on Monday. Please see below for new dictee. words for Test tomorrow!
4. Social Studies Quiz tomorrow!
5. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
6. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

7. The students enjoyed a drumming workshop today given by Fana Soro. We all had a great time! :)

Notices sent home today:

-Lice check information form
-Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating)

7. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. paragraph given underlined words for test on Monday. Please see below for new dictee. words for Test on Thursday!
2. Social Studies Quiz on Thursday.
3. PE tomorrow.

4. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
5. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.
6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you. 

Dictée #6

Étudiez les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe.

       Je viens tout juste d’acheter une nouvelle propriété. J’ai enfin un bel endroit où rester. Sur mon ancien terrain se trouvait un énorme peuplier sous lequel j’adorais aller lire et me reposer. Malheureusement, nous avons dû le couper, car un gros éclair l’a fait tomber. J’avais le cœur brisé et j’ai voulu déménager.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. New spelling list given new words!
2. Social Studies Quiz on Thursday.
3. Library book exchange tomorrow.
4. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
5. UNICEF pledge form sent home today if interested in participating.
6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1.. Math Quiz for Unit 1 "Patterns and Equations" on Monday.
2.. Study Dictee #5...Test on Monday.
 3. Social Studies Quiz on Thursday.
4. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.

5. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you. 

6. Superhero comic strip overdue...students who have not completed it need to hand it in asap! Bon Weekend.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. Finish Math review sheet "Montre ce que tu sais" Grade 4's- #1,4,5,6,7,8  Grade 5's- #1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10a. We are going to mark the answers tomorrow in the class.
2. Math Quiz for Unit 1 "Patterns and Equations" on Monday.

3. Finish Math worksheet : Subtraction . We are also going to mark the answers tomorrow.
4. Study spelling words. Test tomorrow.
5. Study Dictee #5...Test on Monday.

6. Scholastic book order forms...due date for October orders is Friday, October 18th. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.

7. Booster juice orders (if interested).
8. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
9. Superhero comic strip overdue...students who have not completed it need to hand it in asap!
10. . Food Drive happening this week...bring in any non-perishable food items! Tomorrow is the last day.

11. Purdy's chocolate order forms sent home with youngest sibling (if interested)


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. Finish Math review sheet "Montre ce que tu sais" Grade 4's- #1,4,5,6,7,8  Grade 5's- #1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10a
2. Math Quiz for Unit 1 "Patterns and Equations" on Monday.
3. Study Dictee #5...Test on Monday.

4. Scholastic book order forms...due date for October orders is Friday, October 18th. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
5. Study Spelling words...Practice on spelling city website! Test on Friday!
6. Booster juice orders (if interested).
7. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
8. Superhero comic strip overdue...students who have not completed it need to hand it in asap!
9. Food Drive happening this week...bring in any non-perishable food items!

10. Purdy's chocolate order forms sent home with youngest sibling (if interested)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,

 1. New Dictee paragraph:

Dictee #5

Étudiez les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe.

       C’est aujourd’hui que Josélito part en voyage avec sa classe. Ils sont une vingtaine d’élèves à partir visiter la magnifique région de la Mauricie. Ils pourront admirer les merveilleux paysages qu’ils étudiaient en géographie. Tous sont curieux d’en apprendre plus sur cette région.

2. Scholastic book order forms...due date for October orders is Friday, October 18th. New Scholastic order forms for November were handed out today.
3. New Spelling list handed out today. Practice on spelling city website! Test on Friday!
4. Booster juice orders (if interested).
5. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
6. Superhero comic strip overdue...students who have not completed it need to hand it in asap!
7. Food Drive happening this week...bring in any non-perishable food items!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,

1. Study dictee. Test on Tuesday due to Thanksgiving holiday on Monday!
2. Scholastic book order forms...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.
3. Booster juice orders (if interested).
4. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
5. Work on Superhero comic strip....due on Tuesday!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,

1. Study dictee. Test on Tuesday due to Thanksgiving holiday on Monday!
2. LV T-shirt orders (if you're interested in purchasing, our class is TEAM PURPLE). Orders due by tomorrow.
3. Scholastic book order forms...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.
4. Study spelling words...Test tomorrow!
5. Booster juice orders (if interested).
6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
7. Work on Superhero comic strip....due on Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,

1. Study dictee. Test on Tuesday due to Thanksgiving holiday on Monday!
2. LV T-shirt orders (if you're interested in purchasing, our class is TEAM PURPLE). Orders due by Friday, October 11th.
3. Scholastic book order forms...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.
4. Study spelling words...Test on Friday.
5. Booster juice orders (if interested).
6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
7. Work on Superhero comic strip....due on Tuesday!
8. PE tomorrow instead of Friday for this week only.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,

1. New dictee paragraph. Please see below. Study the underlined words!
2. LV T-shirt orders (if you're interested in purchasing, our class is TEAM PURPLE). Orders due by Friday, October 11th.
3. Scholastic book order forms...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.
4. Study spelling words!
5. Booster juice orders (if interested)
6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
7. Work on Superhero comic strip. Project assignment and criteria are below for your reference.

Dictee #4

Étudiez les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe.

Cher Fred,

Je t’invite à venir faire du camping avec moi lors du prochain congé. Nous dormirons sur le terrain de mon chalet. Nous pourrons faire de la chaloupe, nous raconter des histoires de peur et faire un feu de joie. J’attends ta réponse rapidement.

Ton ami, Bruno
****For the past two weeks, the students have been working on their Superhero comic strips which are due on Tuesday, October 15th. I have attached below the assignment and criteria in case students forget to take them home over the weekend. Thanks!

Make your own Superhero Comic Strip Project!


Now that you have had the opportunity to create your own superhero, you will create your own superhero comic strip!

Once you have shown Mme Mikes your superhero chart, drawing, and story outline, you can get started on your comic strip! In order to help you get started, please fill out the planning sheet to help organize the scenes of the comic strip that you will create.

Once you have finished your planning sheet, please show it to Mme Mikes and then you can get started on your comic strip. You will be able to choose what kind of panel format you want for your comic strip.

Together as a class, we will come up with the criteria on how you will be assessed for this assignment.

 Project Due Date: Tuesday, October 15th
Superhero Comic Strip
Assessment Criteria
Awesome C
Good J
Satisfactory K
Needs work L
All elements of the story are included (title, characters, setting, problem, solution)
Only 4 of the 5 elements are included
Only 3 of the elements are included
Only 2 or less of the story elements are included
Writing (Grammar/
Capitols, spelling & punctuation are correct. Writing of dialogue is neat and clear.
1-5 grammatical/spelling errors. Writing of dialogue is legible.
5-10 grammatical/spelling errors. Dialogue is not always legible.
More than 10 grammatical/spelling errors. Dialogue is not legible.
Illustrations are easy to identify. They are nicely coloured, detailed, neat, and go along with the story.
Illustrations may be easy to see, are coloured and neat. They go along with the story.
Illustrations need work-appear rushed or careless. Not coloured. They may not always go along with the story.
Illustrations are not neat or coloured. They don’t appear to go with the story.
Organization of Comic Strip
Good flow from panel to panel-story is clear and easy to follow
Ideas are stated clearly and are in order from panel to panel. Story is generally easy to follow.
There is some order of main ideas and from panel to panel. Story is not always easy to follow.
Ideas are not in order. Story is difficult to follow.
Overall Appearance
The comic strip is attractive, neat, and “professional” quality
The comic strip is attractive and neat.
The comic strip is complete, but it is messy
The comic strip is incomplete
As part of the completion of the Superhero comic strip assignment, all components relating to the Superhero comic strip assignment must be handed in as well. These components include the following:
¨ Superhero traits chart                     ¨ Superhero comic strip panel outline
¨ Superhero drawing                             ¨ Superhero comic strip title page
¨ Superhero story outline                   




Monday, October 7, 2013


1. Finish Math sheet- Dragon - answer multiplication questions and colour
2. LV T-shirt orders (if you're interested in purchasing, our class is TEAM PURPLE). Orders due by Friday, October 11th.
3. Scholastic book order forms...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.
4. New Spelling list given words!
5. Booster juice orders (if interested)
5. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!

Friday, October 4, 2013


1. Study for Dictee #3 Test on Monday.
2. LV T-shirt orders (if you're interested in purchasing, our class is TEAM PURPLE). Orders due by Friday, October 11th.
3. Scholastic book order forms...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.
4. Read at least 15 mins in French.
5. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!

Bonne fin de semaine !

Thursday, October 3, 2013


1. Study for Dictee #3 Test on Monday.
2. Study for Spelling-Lesson #2 Test tomorrow.
3. LV T-shirt orders (if you're interested in purchasing, our class is TEAM PURPLE). Orders due by Friday, October 11th.
4. Scholastic book order forms...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.
5. Read at least 15 mins in French.
6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
7. Hot Lunch tomorrow - Pizza! $5 for one slice or $7 for 2 slices

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


1. Study for Dictee #3 Test on Monday.

2. Study for Spelling-Lesson #2 Test on Friday.

3. LV T-shirt orders (if you're interested in purchasing, our class is TEAM PURPLE)

4. Scholastic book order forms sent home...due date for orders is Friday, October 18th.

5. Read at least 15 mins in French.

6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you!
Salut tout le monde.

This blog is just to let you know that I will take bereavement leave for this week and next week. Please continue to support the students and the TOC during my absence.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1. New dictee words given today. Students must study the underlined words in the paragraph. Dictee test is on Monday.

Dictee #3

Étudiez les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe suivant:

        Depuis la nuit des temps, une légende raconte qu’à chaque 

bout de l’arc-en-ciel se trouve un trésor. En Irlande, ces objets 

précieux sont protégés par un minuscule lutin tout vert qui porte 

toujours un trèfle à quatre feuilles sur lui.

2. New spelling word list given today. Students can practice and study on the Spelling City site at

3. Math worksheet is also due for tomorrow if not finished in class today.

4. Also, there are still students who have not brought in their earthquake kits. As well, there some students who need to sign and return the Student Verification form and the Office 365 form.
