Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. Study underlined words for test on Monday. Please see below for new dictee.
2. The math quiz was returned today. Please sign and return the test next week.
3. This is not homework, but study the multiplication table at home. 95 % of the students are struggling with the table.  Please see the math section for some online sites.
4. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
5. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

Interim Report sent home today. Please sign and return it next week.
Halloween letter sent home today.

-Lice check information form sent yesterday,
-Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating)

6. Some students still need to bring in their Earthquake Kits! Thank you. 
Bon weekend