Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1. New dictee words given today. Students must study the underlined words in the paragraph. Dictee test is on Monday.

Dictee #3

Étudiez les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe suivant:

        Depuis la nuit des temps, une légende raconte qu’à chaque 

bout de l’arc-en-ciel se trouve un trésor. En Irlande, ces objets 

précieux sont protégés par un minuscule lutin tout vert qui porte 

toujours un trèfle à quatre feuilles sur lui.

2. New spelling word list given today. Students can practice and study on the Spelling City site at http://www.spellingcity.com/mmelmikes/

3. Math worksheet is also due for tomorrow if not finished in class today.

4. Also, there are still students who have not brought in their earthquake kits. As well, there some students who need to sign and return the Student Verification form and the Office 365 form.
