Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bonjour! Every one looked great today sporting their '80's outfits. Thanks for your participation everyone!

1. "Bonnes Resolutions" assignment...the following students need to finish: Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Max, Lexi, Thomas. Please hand in as soon as possible!

 2.. Study spelling...new list given today. Study on Spelling City website!

3. New Dictee words given today. Please see below for your reference. 
4. Math homework: p. 71 of division booklet (#1-30) needs to be completed for tomorrow.
5. Think of a subject for your French speech. Please have a topic for Wednesday. Speech outline plan due for next Wednesday (January 22nd)
6. Cypress Mountain field trip information sent out today. Parents/Guardians who are registered on the school district's parent portal should have received the information via email. However, parents who are not on the parent portal are able to obtain a hard copy of the field trip information from me. Via the portal, you are able to pay online. However, if you choose not to pay online, you may bring in a cheque or cash to the school. Thanks!
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. ( Max and Mitchell on Thursday, Marshall and Lexi on Friday)

- Scholastic book orders due this Friday (if interested)

Dictée #15
Étudie les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe.

       Pour faire sourire les personnes autour de toi, tu dois faire au moins une bonne action par jour. Par exemple, tu pourrais saluer le brigadier chaque fois que tu le vois et lui demander comment il va. Tu peux aussi offrir à tes parents d’amuser tes frères et sœurs lors du souper