Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde,

Thank you very much to Mrs. Higo, Mr. Bakker, Mr. Haynes, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Surbey, Mrs. Goddard, and Mr. Campbell for your help driving the students to Planet Ice today! The students had a really great time! :)

Upcoming Field Trips:

1. Wednesday, February 5th- Snowshoeing and Tubing at Cypress Mountain- (8:15 am -3:30 pm). We are traveling there by bus. The cost for students is $40.00 to cover the fees for the activities and bus.

3. Wednesday, February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!

1. Study spelling...test on Friday!
2. Nouvelle dictee...please study. Please see below for your reference.
3. Adjectives story good copy now due...please hand in asap if you have not already done so!
4. Social Studies: a mini-booklet: First Nations. ( If not finished in class). This was due on Monday. Please hand in asap!
5. Outline for my recipe is due on Thursday, Jan. 30.
6. Speech outline plan was due yesterday. Thomas, Josiah, Erica, Jamie, Elizabeth and Josh need to hand in so that they can start the rough draft this week.
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. (Talaya and Trent on Thursday, Jan. 30, and Janna and Maggie Friday, Jan. 31)

Dictée #17
Étudie les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe.

       Il y a très longtemps, je voulais devenir agricultrice pour aider mes parents à la ferme. Maintenant que je suis plus grande, j’aimerais mieux être mécanicienne pour réparer la machinerie de notre ferme.                                                                                                      /10