Thursday, February 27, 2014

Student - Inclusive Conference

***Student-inclusive conferences schedule sent home by e-mail. Please check your time and come to the meeting on time.
The following students have not handed in the time yet.
Elizabeth, Josh, Erica, Max, and Marisol
Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Tomorrow is Pro-D day.
2. New dictee yesterday. Test will be in 2 weeks due to presentation of speeches happening next Monday and Tuesday. Please see dictee below for your reference.
3. Presentation of French speech will be on Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday March 4th. Please get your speech on cue cards (if I have already seen your 2nd draft) and practice and memorize your speech at home!
 4. Speech outline for English speech is now due. Please hand in asap.

5. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
6. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Riley R.on Thursday March 6 and Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
7. Finish your mini project: Friendship by Monday.
8.  First Nations project: There are some groups which were not using their class time wisely. They must finish their posters by Thursday. They will practice their presentation on Thursday, March 6  and present it on Thursday March 13.
Thank you!
***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home. Please fill out your preferred times and return 
as soon as possible!!The following students have not handed in the time yet.
Elizabeth, Josh, Erica, Max, and Marisol

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Math: Grade 4's and 5's- please finish circled questions on math sheet for tomorrow.
2. Study spelling...test tomorrow due to Pro-D day on Friday.
3. New dictee today. Test will be in 2 weeks due to presentation of speeches happening next Monday and Tuesday. Please see dictee below for your reference.
4. Presentation of French speech will be on Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday March 4th. Please get your speech on cue cards (if I have already seen your 2nd draft) and begin practicing and memorizing at home!
5. Speech outline for English speech is now due. Please hand in asap.

6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent and Alex on Thursday, February 27.

***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home. Please fill out your preferred times and return 
as soon as possible!!The following students have not handed in the time yet.
Elizabeth, Josh, Erica, Max, and Marisol

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Math: Grade 4's-please finish circled questions about 24hr clock for tomorrow. Grade 5's please finish circled questions about centicube volume for tomorrow.
2. Study spelling.
3. New dictee today. Test will be in 2 weeks due to presentation of speeches happening next Monday and Tuesday. Please see dictee below for your reference.
4. Presentation of French speech will be on Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday March 4th. Please get your speech on cue cards (if I have already seen your 2nd draft) and begin practicing and memorizing at home!
5. Speech outline for English speech is due tomorrow!

6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent and Alex on Thursday, February 27.


***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home. Please fill out your preferred times and return 
as soon as possible!!The following students have not handed in the time yet.
Elizabeth, Josh, Erica, Max, Adia, and Marisol

Dictée #20
Étudie les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe.
       Tous les voyageurs sont allés voir le plus célèbre monument chinois : la Grande Muraille de Chine. Cette merveille a été construite pour protéger une partie du pays et est la plus longue construction humaine. C’est la seule qui est visible de l’espace. Cette forteresse de terre, de pierres et de briques a pu traverser plus de deux mille cinq cents ans.                                                  

Monday, February 24, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Math: Grade 4's- p.140-41 #1-5   Grade 5's-p.136 #4,5,6   due for tomorrow!
2. Study spelling
3. Presentation of French speech will be on Monday, March 3rd. Please get your speech on cue cards (if I have already seen your 2nd draft) and begin practicing and memorizing at home!
4. Speech outline for English speech is due on Wednesday, February 26.

5. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
6. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent and Alex on Thursday, February 27.

***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home. Please fill out your preferred times and return 
as soon as possible!!The following students have not handed in the time yet.
Elizabeth, Josh, Erica, Max, Adia, Maggie and Marisol

Friday, February 21, 2014

  Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Study dictee. Please see below for your reference. The test is on Monday
2. Presentation of French speech will be on Monday, March 3rd.
3. Speech outline for English speech is due on Wednesday, February 26.
4. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed ASAP: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
5. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent and Alex on Thursday, February 27.

***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home. Please fill out your preferred times and return 
as soon as possible!!The following students have not handed in the time yet.
Elizabeth, Josh, Josiah, Erica, Max, Julia, Adia, Maggie and Janna. 
Bon weekend and let's cheer on the Canada hockey team on Sunday!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

1. We watched the women's hockey gold medal game in the gym. It was so exciting! Go Canada Go!
2. We did a Math-Pre-Quiz today, and corrected the answers. Please review it one more time at home.
 Quiz for both grades tomorrow! 
3. Study dictee. Please see below for your reference.
4. Study spelling. The test is tomorrow!
5. Presentation of French speech will be on Monday, March 3rd.
6. Speech outline for English speech is due on Wednesday, February 26.
7. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed ASAP: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
8. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent, Jacob, Collin and Ashley on Friday, 
February 21.

***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home yesterday. Please fill out your preferred times and return as soon as possible!! Thank you

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

1. The students enjoyed watching Hugo this morning! It was a really great movie :)
2. Math-Pre-Quiz on Lessons #1-4 for both grades tomorrow and Quiz for both grades on Friday! 
3. Study dictee. Please see below for your reference.
4. Study spelling. 
5. Presentation of French speech will be on Monday, March 3rd.
6. Speech outline for English speech is due on Wednesday, February 26.
7. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in on Tuesday: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
8. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent, Belle and Adia on Thursday, February 20, and Jacob, Collin and Ashley on Friday, February 21.

9. Social studies quiz returned last week. We corrected the answers in class. Please sign and return it.

***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home yesterday. Please fill out your preferred times and return as soon as possible!! Thank you

Dictée #19
Étudie les mots soulignés dans le paragraphe.
       Quel animal retrouve-t-on sur nos pièces de cinq sous ? Un castor. Cet animal se sert de branches et de pierres pour construire des digues. Sais-tu qu’un castor peut couper plus de trois cents arbres en une seule année ? Pas surprenant que cet animal soit un fier représentant de notre beau pays !                                                                                             /12

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

1. CPF Film Festival field trip tomorrow! Please be here on time tomorrow since we will be leaving at 8:40!
2. Math-Grade 4's and 5's- finish review sheet due for tomorrow. Pre-Quiz on Lessons #1-4 for both grades on Thursday and Quiz for both grades on Friday! 
3. New dictee given today. Please see below for your reference.
4. Study spelling. 
5. Second copy of speech was due yesterday. Presentation of speech will be Monday, March 3rd.
6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent, Belle and Adia on Thursday, February 20, and Jacob, Collin and Ashley on Friday, February 21.
8. Social studies quiz returned today. We corrected the answers in class. Please sign and return it.

***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home today. Please fill out your preferred times and return as soon as possible!! Thank you

Monday, February 17, 2014

1. Math- Grade 4's- Time worksheet- Do all except #8   Grade 5's- Review sheet of Area and perimeter of rectangles.
2. Dictee picture assignment was due today. Students who have not finished please hand in asap! 
3. New spelling list given today. 
4. Second copy of speech was due today. Presentation of speech will be Monday, March 3rd.
5. Think of an English speech topic for Monday.
6. Rough draft of French speech now due. Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Thomas, Maggie, and Riley R.- Please hand in asap. 
7. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
8. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent, Belle and Adia on Thursday, February 20, and Jacob, Collin and Ashley on Friday, February 21.
9. Social studies quiz returned today. We corrected the answers in class. Please sign and return it.


--February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU! I have given a hard copy of the permission to those parents who are not on the parent portal.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thank you so much for the students who brought in the treats. Also, thank you for Ashley who gave a pretty flower pot to every student. It was very kind of you!
 Happy Valentine's Day!

1. Math homework only Grade 5. p134, 2.3.4 and 5.
2. Dictee picture assignment was due today. Students who have not finished please hand in asap! 
3.Please study new dictee word list (the list is found below for your reference). Test on Monday.
4. Second copy of speech due for Monday, February 17th
5. Think of an English speech topic for Monday, February 17th 
6. Rough draft of French speech now due. Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Thomas, Maggie, and Riley R.- Please hand in asap. 
7. Adjectives story good copy now due...Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Maggie and Trent need to hand in asap!  
8. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Erica, Trent, Jamie,  and Maggie.  
9. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent, Belle and Adia on Thursday, February 20, and Jacob, Collin and Ashley on Friday, February 21.
10. Social studies quiz returned today. We corrected the answers in class. Please sign and return it.


--February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Joyeux St. Valentin!

Valentine's Day is tomorrow. The students will exchange their Valentine's cards with their classmates. Students are also invited to bring in a treat to share with the class if they would like. Each student should bring their own plate ( paper or plastic) so that we can reduce the waste and recycle it. If you have any questions, please let us know. 
Thank you!

1. Math homework only Grade 5. Finish the area worksheet. We will correct it tomorrow.
2. Dictee picture assignment was due today. Students who have not finished please hand in asap! 
3.Please study new dictee word list (the list is found below for your reference). 
4. Study spelling. Test tomorrow.
6. Second copy of speech due for Monday, February 17th
7. Think of an English speech topic for Monday, February 17th 
8. Rough draft of French speech now due. Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Thomas, Maggie, and Riley R.- Please hand in asap. 
9. Adjectives story good copy now due...Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Maggie and Trent need to hand in asap!  
10. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Josh, Erica, Trent, Jamie, Marisol and Maggie.  
11. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, and Trent on Friday, February 14.
12. Social studies quiz returned today. We corrected the answers in class. Please sign and return it.


-Sprit Day this Friday (Friday, Feb. 14th)-Wear Pink and Red or P.J.-Wednesday, -February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1. Dictee picture assignment-due tomorrow. Please study new dictee word list (the list is found below for your reference).
2. New spelling list given today. Test on Friday.
3. Rough draft of French speech now due. Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Thomas, Maggie, Riley R. and Ivy- Please hand in asap.
4. Adjectives story good copy now due...Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Maggie and Trent need to hand in asap! 
5. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Josh, Erica, Trent, Jamie, Talaya, Marisol and Maggie. 
6. Social Studies: First Nations Research project assigned last Friday. Please read the outline with your child and sign on the paper. Thank you.
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josh, Reagan, Erica, and Josiah on Thursday, February 13 and Ashley,Emily, Riley R, and Trent on Friday, February 14.


-Sprit Day this Friday (Friday, Feb. 14th)-Wear Pink and Red!
-We are Love Buttons for sale until this Thursday...$2.00. Purchases go to help build a school in Haiti.
-Wednesday, February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!

Dictée #18- Les Jeux Olympiques 2014
Étudiez les mots suivants.
1.            la Russie
2.          les athlètes
3.          les sports
4.          les pays
5.          les mascottes
6.          les champions
7.          les médailles
8.          gagner
9.          les équipes
10.       les spectateurs
11.         les volontaires
12.       la culture
13.       les résultats
14.       le monde
15.       les drapeaux
16.       les compétitions
17.       les spectacles
18.       l’amitié
19.       l’hiver
20.      les fêtes

Friday, February 7, 2014

Additional Info.

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. The students made a Valentine's folder today. On the day, they will exchange their Valentine's cards with their classmates. Students are also invited to bring in a treat to share with the class if they would like. Each student should bring their own plate ( paper or plastic) so that we can reduce the waste and recycle it. If you have any questions, please let us know. 
Thank you!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

1. Dictee picture assignment was due today. Students who have not finished please hand in asap! 
2.Please study new dictee word list (the list is found below for your reference).
3. Study spelling. Test on Friday.

4. Second copy of speech due for Monday, February 17th
5. Think of an English speech topic for Monday, February 17th4. Rough draft of French speech now due. Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Thomas, Maggie, and Riley R.- Please hand in asap.
5. Adjectives story good copy now due...Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Maggie and Trent need to hand in asap! 
6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Josh, Erica, Trent, Jamie, Talaya, Marisol and Maggie. 
7. Social Studies: First Nations Research project assigned last Friday. Please read the outline with your child and sign on the paper. Thank you.
8. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josh, Reagan, Erica, and Josiah on Thursday, February 13 and Ashley,Emily, Riley R, and Trent on Friday, February 14.


-Sprit Day this Friday (Friday, Feb. 14th)-Wear Pink and Red!
-We are Love Buttons for sale until this Thursday...$2.00. Purchases go to help build a school in Haiti.
-Wednesday, February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1. Dictee picture assignment-due tomorrow. Please study new dictee word list (the list is found below for your reference).
2. New spelling list given today. Test on Friday.
3. Rough draft of French speech now due. Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Thomas, Maggie, Riley R. and Ivy- Please hand in asap.
4. Adjectives story good copy now due...Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Maggie and Trent need to hand in asap! 
5. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Josh, Erica, Trent, Jamie, Talaya, Marisol and Maggie. 
6. Social Studies: First Nations Research project assigned last Friday. Please read the outline with your child and sign on the paper. Thank you.
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josh, Reagan, Erica, and Josiah on Thursday, February 13 and Ashley,Emily, Riley R, and Trent on Friday, February 14.


-Sprit Day this Friday (Friday, Feb. 14th)-Wear Pink and Red!
-We are Love Buttons for sale until this Thursday...$2.00. Purchases go to help build a school in Haiti.
-Wednesday, February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!

Dictée #18- Les Jeux Olympiques 2014
Étudiez les mots suivants.
1.            la Russie
2.          les athlètes
3.          les sports
4.          les pays
5.          les mascottes
6.          les champions
7.          les médailles
8.          gagner
9.          les équipes
10.       les spectateurs
11.         les volontaires
12.       la culture
13.       les résultats
14.       le monde
15.       les drapeaux
16.       les compétitions
17.       les spectacles
18.       l’amitié
19.       l’hiver
20.      les fêtes