1. Dictee picture assignment was due today. Students who have not finished please hand in asap!
2.Please study new dictee word list (the list is found below for your reference).
3. Study spelling. Test on Friday.
4. Second copy of speech due for Monday, February 17th
5. Think of an English speech topic for Monday, February 17th4. Rough draft of French speech now due. Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Thomas, Maggie, and Riley R.- Please hand in asap.
5. Adjectives story good copy now due...Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Maggie and Trent need to hand in asap!
6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Josh, Erica, Trent, Jamie, Talaya, Marisol and Maggie.
7. Social Studies: First Nations Research project assigned last Friday. Please read the outline with your child and sign on the paper. Thank you.
8. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josh, Reagan, Erica, and Josiah on Thursday, February 13 and Ashley,Emily, Riley R, and Trent on Friday, February 14.
-Sprit Day this Friday (Friday, Feb. 14th)-Wear Pink and Red!
-We are Love Buttons for sale until this Thursday...$2.00. Purchases go to help build a school in Haiti.
-Wednesday, February 19th -CPF Film Festival (9:00 am-12:00 pm). There is no cost for this field trip. We are traveling there by bus. THIS FIELD TRIP IS ON THE PARENT PORTAL. PLEASE FILL OUT PERMISSION FORM ON THE PARENT PORTAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU!