1. CPF Film Festival field trip tomorrow! Please be here on time tomorrow since we will be leaving at 8:40!
2. Math-Grade 4's and 5's- finish review sheet due for tomorrow. Pre-Quiz on Lessons #1-4 for both grades on Thursday and Quiz for both grades on Friday!
3. New dictee given today. Please see below for your reference.
4. Study spelling.
5. Second copy of speech was due yesterday. Presentation of speech will be Monday, March 3rd.4. Study spelling.
6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed on Tuesday: Erica, Trent, Jamie, and Maggie.
7. Be ready for the current event presentation. Josiah, Riley R, Trent, Belle and Adia on Thursday, February 20, and Jacob, Collin and Ashley on Friday, February 21.
8. Social studies quiz returned today. We corrected the answers in class. Please sign and return it.
***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home today. Please fill out your preferred times and return as soon as possible!! Thank you
***Student-inclusive conferences information and schedule sent home today. Please fill out your preferred times and return as soon as possible!! Thank you