Friday, March 14, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Read a book in English and French during the break.
2. Practice the multiplication table. Memorize as much as you can.
3. The following groups will present the first nation project after the break:Josh and Marshall, Alex and Mitchell, Janna and Maggie, and Max.
4.  Be ready for the current event presentation.: Elizabeth on Thursday April 3.., 
5. English Speech first draft is now overdue.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Study spelling.... Test on Friday!
2. No new dictee for this week.
3. English speech...if you haven't finished your rough draft, you must finish it over spring break!!
4.  Be ready for the current event presentation.: Elizabeth, Riley R and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
5.  The First Nation Presentation went well. The two groups : Ashely, Bell and Emily's group and Max and Josiah's group will present tomorrow. Be ready for it!
6. Hot Lunch Pizza tomorrow if you like.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thank you parents and students for the lovely cards, gifts, and flowers! I look forward to coming for a visit after baby arrives! :)
Today, students also enjoyed the Mobile Planetarium presentation this morning! They learned lots about the stars and planets!
1. Math Quiz tomorrow!! 
2. Study spelling.... Test on Friday!
3. No new dictee for this week.
4. English speech...if you haven't finished your rough draft, you must finish it over spring break!!
5. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie, and Maggie.  
6. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth, Riley R and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
7.  First Nations presentation is tomorrow. Be ready for it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!

Dear Parents/Guardians:
I just want to inform you that I am going on a medical leave and will not be returning after Spring Break. My replacement, Mme Sands, will be continuing the rest of the school year and is looking forward to working with your children.

Lisa Mikes

1. Math Quiz on Thursday!! 
2. New Spelling list. Test on Friday!
3. No new dictee for this week.
4. English speech rough draft due for tomorrow! 
5. P.E. tomorrow
6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie, and Maggie.  
7. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth, Riley R and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
8.  First Nations presentation will be on Thursday, March 13. Be ready for it.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Finish math review sheet- complete all circled questions. Math Quiz on Thursday!! 
2. New Spelling list. Test on Friday!
3. No new dictee for this week.
4. English speech rough draft due for Wednesday! 
5. Library book exchange tomorrow. 
6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie, and Maggie.  
7. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth, Riley R and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
8.  First Nations presentation will be on Thursday, March 13. Be ready for it.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Finish math sheet ( if not finished)for Monday- all questions except #1
2. Finish Journal entry for Monday
3. Test will be next week on Monday.
4. Speech outline for English speech is now due. Please hand in asap. 
5. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie, and Maggie.  
6. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth, Riley R and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
7.  First Nations presentation will be on Thursday, March 13. Be ready for it.
-Thursday, March 6- Early dismissal at 11:30 due to conferences
-Friday, March 7- No school for students due to conferences

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
Congratulations Jacob on being selected to present in the gym at the Concours d'art oratoire!!! Bravo!!
1. Finish math sheet for tomorrow- all questions except #4
2. Finish Journal entry for tomorrow
3. Study spelling! Test tomorrow due to conferences on Friday
4. New dictee given last week. Test will be next week due to presentation of speeches happening this week. Please see dictee below for your reference.
5. Speech outline for English speech is now due. Please hand in asap.
6. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie, and Maggie.  

7. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Riley R.on Thursday March 6 and Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
8. Finish your mini project: Friendship by Monday.
9.  First Nations project: There are some groups which were not using their class time wisely. They must finish their posters by Thursday. They will practice their presentation on Thursday, March 6  and present it on Thursday March 13.
 ***Student-inclusive conferences happening this week. Please fill out your preferred times and return as soon as possible!! The following students have not handed in the time yet: Josh
-Thursday, March 6- Early dismissal at 11:30 due to conferences
-Friday, March 7- No school for students due to conferences

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. Study spelling! Test on Thursday due to conferences on Friday
2. New dictee given last week. Test will be next week due to presentation of speeches happening this week. Please see dictee below for your reference.
3. Speech outline for English speech is now due. Please hand in asap.
4. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie, and Maggie.  

5. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Riley R.on Thursday March 6 and Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
6. Finish your mini project: Friendship by Monday.
7.  First Nations project: There are some groups which were not using their class time wisely. They must finish their posters by Thursday. They will practice their presentation on Thursday, March 6  and present it on Thursday March 13.
 ***Student-inclusive conferences happening this week. Please fill out your preferred times and return as soon as possible!! The following students have not handed in the time yet: Josh
-Thursday, March 6- Early dismissal at 11:30 due to conferences
-Friday, March 7- No school for students due to conferences

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!
1. New spelling list given today. Test on Thursday due to conferences on Friday
2. New dictee given last week. Test will be next week due to presentation of speeches happening this week. Please see dictee below for your reference.
3. Presentation of French speeches happening today and tomorrow. 
4. Speech outline for English speech is now due. Please hand in asap.

5. Outline for my recipe needs to be handed in ASAP: Erica, Jamie, and Maggie.  
6. Be ready for the current event presentation.: Riley R.on Thursday March 6 and Genea, Riley M and Marisol, on Thursday, March 13 and Elizabeth and Ivy on Friday, March 14.
7. Finish your mini project: Friendship by Monday.
8.  First Nations project: There are some groups which were not using their class time wisely. They must finish their posters by Thursday. They will practice their presentation on Thursday, March 6  and present it on Thursday March 13.
 ***Student-inclusive conferences happening this week. Please fill out your preferred times and return 
as soon as possible!!The following students have not handed in the time yet: Josh, Erica, and Max.***
-Thursday, March 6- Early dismissal at 11:30 due to conferences
-Friday, March 7- No school for students due to conferences