Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bonjour tout le monde,
1. New dictee words given today. Finish the 20 sentences for tomorrow. See list of words below.
2. Please sign and return Math quiz.
3. Next 2 pages of multiplication booklet due for tomorrow (multiples of 4's and 5's). Also study the multiplication table at home. 95 % of the students are struggling with the table.  Please see the math section for some online sites. 
4. Math pretest on multiplication on Friday and Multiplication quiz on Monday.
5. Scholastic order forms for November will be due by Friday, November 1st.
6. UNICEF pledge form if interested in participating.

7. Please sign and return interim report.
8. P. E. tomorrow.
9. Study spelling words.

10. Art Cards (to be done at home and handed in to classroom teacher if interested in participating). They are due by Friday, Nov. 7.

11. Elizabeth, Jacob, Jamie, Lexi, Julia, Thomas, Adia, Maggie and Janna need to bring in their Earthquake kits.

Dictee #7
1.            une citrouille
2.          une sorcière
3.          un balai
4.          un fantôme
5.          une maison hantée
6.          une araignée
7.          des bonbons
8.          un chaudron
9.          un déguisement
10.       un chat noir
11.         la lune
12.       un squelette
13.       un masque
14.       un vampire
15.       une momie
16.       l’automne
17.       une chauve-souris
18.       un cimetière
19.       la Toussaint
20.      un diable