Monday, September 16, 2013


1. Please read the letter about " Current events assignment for the Social Studies Class. We chose 4 people who are going to present the assignment next week.
2. Please bring in Earthquake kit asap.

3. Please sign the two consent forms:
        1)Walking activity off school property.
        2) Receiving access to the district Network/Internet.

4. Please sign, check over, and  return Student Verification forms asap

5. Student Photos this Wednesday (September 18th)
6. The students have to finish the good copy for Mon Portrait (for Mme Watanabe) if they haven't finished yet.
7. Please have the students bring some of their pictures for making their portfolio file (for Mme Watanabe)
8. The Name Art work is overdue (for Mme Mikes). Students need to complete asap if not finished yet.
9. Spelling words have started this week. Spelling lists will be found on the Spelling City website at 
Students are able to do practice tests and games with the spelling words. The spelling tests will take place on Friday mornings with Mme Watanabe. 
10. Math questions due for homework. Please make sure students return the text book. Gr.4's-pg. 8&9  #1,2,5  Gr.5's-pg 8 #1,3,4
11. OPEN HOUSE for parents at the school to meet the classroom teachers next Thursday (September 19) from 6-7 pm. Come and say hello! :)