Friday, January 17, 2014

1. "Bonnes Resolutions" assignment...the following students need to finish: Elizabeth, Josiah, Erica, Max, Lexi, Thomas. Please hand in as soon as possible! 
2. Study for Dictee. The test is on Monday.

3. Math homework ( If not finished in class today). page 108-109. No.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,and 9. Correct on Monday.  
4. Francais homework : Complete responses to the 5 questions of "Le Petit Prince" story. 
5. All students should have their speech topic chosen by today. Speech outline plan due for next Wednesday (January 22nd)
6. Ma pyramide alimentaire is due on Monday.
7. Quiz for regular verbs on Tuesday.
8. Cypress Mountain field trip information sent out yesterday. Parents/Guardians who are registered on the school district's parent portal should have received the information via email. Please sign up for field trip through the portal. However, parents who are not on the parent portal are able to obtain a hard copy of the field trip information from me. Via the portal, you are able to pay online. However, if you choose not to pay online, you may bring in a cheque or cash to the school. Thanks!
9. CPF French Film Festival on Wednesday, February 19th-Field Trip information sent out via Parent Portal today. There is no cost for this field trip but you need to give permission for your child to attend on the Parent Portal. Thank you!

8. Be ready for the current event presentation. (Julia and Jamie on Thursday, Jan. 23)
9. Skating field trip information sent out. The permission should be returned as soon as possible.
  Bon Weekend.